During the week of Sept. 22-28, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles visited the National Encampment of the Sons of Utah Pioneers; Elder Ronald A. Rasband dedicated the Mendoza Argentina Temple; and Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson, joined by Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counselor in the Primary general presidency, ministered to Latter-day Saints in Europe on a nine-day ministry.
On Saturday, Sept. 21, Elder Steven R. Bangerter visited BYU–Idaho to share a message on confidence with the students. Just a day later, Primary General President Susan H. Porter shared a devotional with the students of Utah State University.
Additionally, the Deseret Peak Utah Temple was opened to the media and public during the week, and the groundbreaking was held for the Cody Wyoming Temple. Young Women leaders shared the impact that Young Women camps of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has had on young women around the world.
In the latest Church News podcast episode, Boyd Matheson shares how implementing gospel principles can impact communities. For this year’s National Day of Service, Elder Kevin W. Pearson, General Authority Seventy, joined groups of volunteers who came together to serve those in need. The Church, World Food Programme and World Food Program USA also came together to provide food for children in Haiti.
Read summaries and find links to these articles below.
1. ‘One foot in front of the other’: Elder Christofferson encourages embracing the small and simple acts
Elder Christofferson — accompanied by his wife, Sister Kathy Christofferson, and his brother Greg Christofferson, who is the president of the Mormon Battalion Association — visited the National Encampment of the Sons of Utah Pioneers to share a message about his learnings from past pioneers.
“I hope that as we have influence in rising generations that we point out the example of pioneer fathers and mothers who really focused on the future and future generations. Much of what they did, they never reaped the benefits of.”
Read more about this story here.
2. ‘Once a small acorn,’ Mendoza ‘has become a mighty oak’ with its new temple
On Sunday, Sept. 22, Elder Ronald A. Rasband dedicated the Mendoza Argentina Temple as the 197th operating temple in the world and fourth in the country of Argentina. “In the temple, we receive sacred ordinances and make sacred covenants, first for ourselves and then for our ancestors,” said Elder Rasband. “In the temple, we can receive revelation and gain greater understanding of the Lord’s plan of exaltation, and we can feel unified with our fellow Saints.”
Read more about the Mendoza Argentina Temple dedication here.
3. President Johnson, Sister Browning teach and minister in Central Europe

During a nine-day ministry in the Europe Central Area, Relief Society General President Johnson and Sister Browning, second counselor in the Primary general presidency, brought the light and joy of Jesus Christ to the women and children through humanitarian efforts, devotionals, broadcasts and conferences.
At the beginning of their assignment, President Johnson said she hoped to bring the hope and love of Jesus Christ to the Saints one by one.
For Sister Browning, being with thousands of members of the Church in multiple meetings was inspiring. “I love that spirit of gathering that is found in this particular region of the world. I know the Lord will continue to bless them as they seek to center their lives on the Savior.”
Read more about this story here.
4. God knows, loves and needs you, President Porter teaches young adults at Utah State University
On Sunday, Sept. 22, President Porter shared a message about Heavenly Father’s love with the students of Utah State University. “When we open our hearts to God, He will enter, He will stay and sup with us.” Students in attendance were touched by her words. One student, Ava Epling, shared, “What stood out to me is I love how much our [Church leaders] emphasize how much Christ loves us. They know that is something we needed. It’s definitely something I needed.”
Sharing a message on confidence, Elder Bangerter spoke at a devotional just a day earlier to students at BYU–Idaho about how to develop the “precious, comforting” Christlike attribute of confidence.
Read more about President Porter’s devotional here.
Read more about Elder Bangerter’s devotional here.
5. Doors open to the Deseret Peak Utah Temple, ‘a literal oasis in the desert’
On Monday, Sept. 23, Elder Pearson, a General Authority Seventy and president of the Utah Area; Elder Bangerter, a General Authority Seventy and assistant executive director of the Temple Department; and Primary General President Porter welcomed local media representatives to the Deseret Peak Utah Temple.
This media day preceded the public open house, which began on Thursday, Sept. 26.
Read more about and see interior images of the Deseret Peak Utah Temple here.
Find out more about the Deseret Peak Utah Temple media day here.
6. Groundbreaking for Cody Wyoming Temple
Late-summer warmth lingered abnormally long as Elder Steven R. Bangerter, a General Authority Seventy and first counselor in the Church’s North America Central Area presidency, presided over the groundbreaking ceremony for the Cody Wyoming Temple on Friday, Sept. 27.
Located in the northwestern part of Wyoming, this will be the third house of the Lord in that state.
Read about the groundbreaking for the Cody Wyoming Temple here.
7. Young Women camps grow discipleship of Jesus Christ

The “Young Women Camp Guide” from the Church explains that “young women need a place where they can gather together, separate from worldly influences, feel the Spirit of the Lord, grow in unity and love, and strengthen their faith and testimonies of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.”
Young women and their leaders shared their personal stories on how the Young Women camp program has helped them to become more like their Savior and helped grow their testimonies.
Read more about this story here.
8. Podcast episode 207: Boyd Matheson on the gospel principles of civil, peaceful political engagement

In the latest episode of the Church News podcast, a former opinion editor of the Deseret News, Boyd Matheson, discussed using gospel principles in influencing and impacting communities, disagreeing without being disagreeable, the Constitution of the United States of America, and leaning on the teachings of Christ in becoming peacemakers.
Read more about this story here.
9. ‘At our very, very best’: Thousands of volunteers help with National Day of Service projects across the country

On Sept. 11, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints joined interfaith, volunteer and community groups to promote and organize service opportunities for the National Day of Service and Remembrance, commemorating 9/11, a day previously remembered as a tragic day in history. Elder Pearson, along with members in various stakes, came together as a community to serve those in need.
He shared the purpose of the holiday is that “we would respond to tragedy with love — to something incredibly negative with something extraordinarily positive.”
Read more about this story here.
10. Church contribution of $8 million to World Food Programme will help children in Haiti
A collaboration among the Church, World Food Programme and World Food Program USA will provide critical nutrition to children in vulnerable areas, explained news releases from World Food Program USA and the Church.
“As followers of Jesus Christ, we strive to care for those in need as He would,” said Blaine R. Maxfield, managing director of the Church’s Welfare and Self-Reliance Services, in the Church’s press release. “These efforts in Haiti will help ensure that children have access to the nutrition they need to focus on their education, while at the same time strengthening communities by sourcing meals locally.”